

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Required reading for every Irish teen (that they will LOVE)

I was racking my brains, trying to think of something my fourteen year old would really enjoy reading. Something funny and well written that would fill the gap that Ross O'Carroll Kelly had been occupying for the past few months. And then I slapped my head - Barrytown! The Commitments! The Van! The Snapper! I could'nt see them separately in the library, but luckily, found this doorstop.

 He hasn't put it down, but when he does, I'm grabbing it. I had a quick peek and as you would expect, the books are as funny and great as ever.

And if like me, you are heading to school this week for the parent teacher meetings, you could do worse than having The Moor's Account in your handbag. It passed the waiting times outside various classrooms very nicely.

1 comment:

  1. Oooo, thank you for reminding me of these. I've never read them, but I love the two movies, and always meant to check them out. Might have found my post-holiday reads!
