

Friday 16 May 2014

My Book of Telling Time (Kumon)

I have two middle boys. One of them was always "easy". Slept OK as a baby, ate well, smiled a lot. As a result though, I think he sometimes feels a bit forgotten. The other day when I was dropping him at school with his brothers, while I was doing my usual fussing about with schoolbags and sorting out collection times he said, "Look at me now, Mum, and say goodbye." The guilt! I have of course, been smothering him with attention since, which he doesn't like either. Oh well.

Anyways, I did notice that said boy couldn't read the time easily not too long ago. He's eight and  had done a whole section on it in school, so I knew something needed to be done. In about three afternoons, this book solved the problem. Its not often you can say that about a book, so even though I have blogged about the Kumon books before, I thought My Book of Telling Time deserved a mention.

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