

Friday 15 May 2015

Weird but True!

My nine year old is being taken to a party today. That is, the birthday boy's Mum is collecting a group of them at school and taking them to the movies. And I pick him up afterwards at a nearby MacDonalds.  At least I think I do. I must check. Anyway, the long and short of it, there was no day this week when I felt like driving to Smyths Toys to get the present. Actually there is no day any week when I feel like doing that. Luckily, Weird but True came through the letterbox this morning. I'd got it to put away for Summer holidays, but now I'm going to wrap it up with a copy of  Poop Fountain and thankfully, the jobs done. (Poop Fountain is fiction, by the way! Written by Tom Angleberger, all of whose books have been devoured here. Great for Wimpy Kid fans.)

So, there are advantages to buying early for Summer. I'd recommend it. Really, anything is better than trawling around Smyths.

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