

Monday 17 February 2014

George and Martha by James Marshall

I was reading this to my youngest, who is three, when my eldest, who is twelve, looked over my shoulder. He burst out laughing and sat down to hear the rest. Once we were finished he said "There's more of these books? If there is please get them!"
There are five little stories about George and Martha in this book. In one, George sits in the basket of a hot air balloon, wondering why he isn't taking off.
Martha suggests the basket is too heavy, so he gets out. But hang on a second..
Oh well, Martha is glad to have his company on the ground.

This is the page that caused all the laughter.
George was fond of peeking in windows.
I don't know, a hippo peeping in a window. Why is it so funny? But it is.

Despite being a faithful and loving friend, Martha draws a line at peeking. 
 Especially when she is in the bath.
So in answer to his question, there are more George and Martha books and yes, I think we'll probably get them. And just to make you smile again, look at George roller-skating.

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